
January 2025

Happy New Year Virgo! The new year begins with Mars moving backwards into Cancer and your eleventh house. This is good news for Virgo, as you will get some of your energy back. So January will see you connecting with friends that you maybe didn't get to see in December. You are taking a firm look at the upcoming year and even years beyond that and deciding what you want your future to look like. There is also a Full Moon here on the 15th. There may be some decisions that need to be made or maybe a request from a friend that you need to take a look at.

As Venus enters your seventh house of love and partnership on the 4th of January, you are in the mood for love. If you are single then this is a lovely time to date and meet someone new. If you are married or involved, then the two of you make time for each and plan something special. As it nears Saturn, the two of you may be talking about a future together and makes things official. This can also apply to business partnerships. A good time to team up with someone and maybe start a new business.

The Sun stays in Capricorn until the 20th and it is in a place of enjoying life and being social. I know we are past the holidays officially, but it is still a good time to plan a party and get together with friends.

Astrology and Moon Insights are written by astrologer Susan Reynolds. Like what you’ve read here? For your personal consultation contact Susan at or email.

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