
March 2025

Sweet Virgo is going to feel the big energies of March in terms of your relationships. We have a very busy March and there is so much happening you may have trouble keeping up. The Sun is in your 7th house of love, romance and marriage. This house is all about partnerships of all kinds. The Sun stays until the 21st. Saturn is also there for March, April and most of May. So you are taking a serious look at relationships and business partnerships. What works? What doesn't?

Mercury starts out the month in Pisces but quickly moves into Aries on March 4th. And then on  March 15th Mercury turns retrograde.  This is your ruling planet, so Virgo is going to react to this a bit more strongly than most other signs. It will be in your 8th house of money matters. Be sure to carefully look over all documents for taxes and make sure you keep copies of all records. Retrograde can often have us redoing something.

Venus is also in this same 8th house for most of the month and it too is retrograde. It begins March retrograde and then on the 28th it moves back into Pisces. So for most of March, it is in Aries. Very forceful. This can sometimes indicate and old relationship showing up in your life again. But we may go back to old romantic patterns that do not work well for us. We slip back into a pattern we have worked hard to change. There can be intense attraction to others that you know are not in your best interests, so be careful out there. There is also a Solar Eclipse on the 29th also in the sign of Aries. Neptune also moves here at the end of the month as well. You are seeking the mysteries of life and are ready to go deep to get them.

Astrology and Moon Insights are written by astrologer Susan Reynolds. Like what you’ve read here? For your personal consultation contact Susan at or email.

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