FULL MOON on FEB 12th 2025 - 24 degrees LEO
Our first Full Moon in February is going to fall in the sign of Leo. I love this. February can often be cold and wet and sometimes a bit depressing. But Leo is all about love, light and having a good time.
The Lion never met a party they didn't like. So we now have an opportunity to do something we enjoy. What makes you happy? Maybe spending some time with your sweetheart. Go skiing or maybe just stay home and sit in front of the fire. This is a romantic Moon, so make the most of it.
Leo loves people and so this is a nice period to talk to friends, maybe go out to celebrate someone's birthday or find something to celebrate. Children and grandchildren come up now, but in a way that is full of hugs and kisses and not full (hopefully) of family drama.
And speaking of drama Leo is very dramatic. If you have a Leo child they will regale you with stories of all the exciting things that happened in school that day. Or a Leo friend will keep you spellbound with a riveting story about the goings on at the office.
We can all be a tad more dramatic when Leo is active. Find some creative pursuits and sign up for something. Maybe you can stay home in your warm house and zoom the lesson.
All Leo wants is for us to be happy.
Astrology and Moon Insights are written by
astrologer Susan Reynolds. Like what you’ve read here? For your personal consultation contact Susan at
exploreastrology.com or