Full Moon

March 2025

The Wild Energies of March!

March 2025 promises to be a roller coaster of a month with so much going on.  Everyone is feeling the out-of-control vibes and so you are not imagining it.

We have both Venus and Mercury in retrograde most of the month, Neptune changing signs for the first time in a dozen years, a Lunar Eclipse as well as a Solar Eclipse! The planets are on the move in a big way.  The Sun changes signs, and Mars has turned direct. Wow! That's a lot going on.

LUNAR ECLIPSE on MARCH 13th 2025 -  23 degrees VIRGO

March is going to be a bumpy ride as so much is happening in this one month!

One of the biggest is that this month we have TWO eclipses!

The first is our Lunar Eclipse in Virgo. A Lunar Eclipse happens when it appears as if the Earth gets between the Sun and the Moon, thereby 'eclipsing' the light of the Moon. This Eclipse happens at 23˚ and for any of you who have a copy of your birth chart, check to see if you have planets that are close to 23˚. If so, then chances are you will feel this Eclipse more than most other people.

Since it happening in the sign of Virgo we are more concerned with health matters. This can be our own health and well-being but also the health of family and friends and anyone we care about. It can be a time of taking charge of medical issues and making some changes but it may also be you helping someone else deal with their stuff as well.

Virgo is a sign of service and we will want to be of service to others and to the world in some way. Watch out that you are not too critical of yourself. We can ask a lot of ourselves under a Virgo Moon and sometimes those standards can be a bit unrealistic. But Virgo has such a humble and loving heart that we can use to love ourselves more than ever.

Astrology and Moon Insights are written by astrologer Susan Reynolds. Like what you’ve read here? For your personal consultation contact Susan at exploreastrology.com or email.

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