Sweet Pisces begins the month with several planets in your own particular sign. The Sun is now in Pisces, so happy birthday! Mercury is also in Pisces as well as Saturn and Neptune. You may be feeling a bit confused with so many different planets all trying to be heard. Now Mercury will leave on the 4th and move into Aries and your second house of money matters. On the 15th Mercury will turn retrograde and stay that way until the 12th of April. You know what to expect by now. Mail gets lost, computer go down, technology doesn't work. Annoying but not life changing. So be sure to keep all your paperwork handy and look over bank statements carefully. I hate this is happening right at tax season but here we are. Confirm appointments and keep receipts for any kind of travel. Venus is also retrograde all month and in the same sign of Aries. You may be hearing from an old love or even an old friend you do not talk to much. Retrograde energy tends to redo things. So you may be thinking about old relationships maybe even thinking about 'what if'?
Venus also tends to deal with things they do not like with a bit of retail therapy. Watch that spending as Venus will stay retrograde all month and that is a long time to be pulling out the credit cards.
With Mars now in direct motion, you want to see your friends and celebrate special occasions with your spouse or partner. It is also a nice time to plan some activities with your children.
Astrology and Moon Insights are written by
astrologer Susan Reynolds. Like what you’ve read here? For your personal consultation contact Susan at
exploreastrology.com or