Sagittarius usually likes to be out and about but right now there is a lot of energy around home and family so you may want to stay close to home right now. The month begins with The Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Neptune all in your fourth house. On the 4th Mercury will leave the sign of Pisces and move into Aries and your fifth house. On the 21st the Sun will leave as well and at the very end of the month Neptune, for the first time in twelve years will leave the sign of Pisces and enter into Aries.
There is much happening in the sign of Aries right now. For you that means lots of social activities happening. You want to date if you are single and you want to be with your spouse if you are married or involved. A great time to get away. Go to the beach for a nice weekend or even plan a second honeymoon. Open your home to friends and family and host a birthday party or celebration of some sort. There is also a Solar Eclipse happening here in this same house on the 29th of March. Eclipses take us from one reality to another reality in the blink of an eye. Unexpected events happen so be prepared.
Family may reach out this month. They either need you more or want to be around you. Maybe they come for a visit or invite you to come visit them. You might want to spruce up the home with some new items that brighten things up. Half the time you are happy being home and the other half of the time you are happy being out and about. A strange combo. With Mercury being retrograde be sure to get trip insurance and to double-check all travel plans. Allow extra time for delays and the unexpected. Retrograde Mercury can interfere with travel plans but you will still have a good time.
Astrology and Moon Insights are written by
astrologer Susan Reynolds. Like what you’ve read here? For your personal consultation contact Susan at or