What a powerful month ahead for sweet Gemini! We have LOTS of Aries energy happening in March and it is going to show up in a fairly dramatic way for the sign of The Twins. You begin the month with The Sun, Venus, Mercury and Neptune all in your 10th house of career. Mercury moves into Aries on the 4th and stays in that sign of almost the rest of the month. Venus isn't sure what she is doing. First the planet of love is in Aries but on the 28th she retrogrades back into Pisces. Very confusing.
Let's look at Mercury first. It is in Aries almost all month, but turns retrograde on the 15th and stays that way until April 12th when it once again moves into direct motion. You know what to do with a retrograde Mercury. Keep good records and some kind of paper trail if there to back you up. Appointments get missed and paperwork get mislaid. There can be miscommunication at work so be sure to keep good notes and follow-up. Old clients may reach out once again or you can go back to some project that was put on hold and take it to completion.
We also have Neptune changing signs for the first time in 12 years and moving into Aries for the first time in 165 years. It is going to leave your house of career and move into one that is more about friendships and group activity. You may join some kind of creative group. Or you can get interested in more spiritual topics. Venus begins March here in this same house, but is retrograde almost all month long. There can be old loves coming back to touch base. You may also end up spending more money on some tech toys that you want but do not need.
Astrology and Moon Insights are written by
astrologer Susan Reynolds. Like what you’ve read here? For your personal consultation contact Susan at
exploreastrology.com or