Happy New Year Gemini! You still have a few more months of Jupiter sitting right next to your Sun. In June it is going to change signs and move into Cancer, but chances are you will start to notice the difference as early as May or even April. As it moves into Cancer, you may see more money coming toward you. I will talk more about this as we move deeper into 2025 but for now, understand that this can be a big financial year for you.
Speaking of finances, Mars is retrograding back into Cancer and your second house on January 7th. The second house is one that is all about income and prosperity. Mars will stay here until April 19th. You have the next few months to look at increasing your income and welcoming prosperity. Yes, there may be a nice sum of money coming your way, but you may also be ready to spend it just as freely. With the Sun in your eighth house of investments until the 20th, you start the new year, crunching numbers in your head and trying to second-guess the stock market.
Mercury is on the move as well, changing signs on the 9th. As it moves into Capricorn you are looking at paying off debts and making some kind of financial plan. This area of the chart is private, so Gemini is not talking as much, but that's fine and just the way it is.
Astrology and Moon Insights are written by
astrologer Susan Reynolds. Like what you’ve read here? For your personal consultation contact Susan at
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