There is so much going on this month and Leo is right in the middle of it all. We have a lot of Aries energy showing up right now and as another fire sign Leo will experience this strongly. Your 8th house of financial matters is strongly influenced with the presence of the Sun and Mercury, Venus and Neptune all showing up. Mercury only stays there a few days before moving into Aries on the 4th. Then on the 15th Mercury turns retrograde in Aries and stays that way until April 12th . Be very careful about all financial decisions. There may be some financial surprises happening now. Sometimes that can be an extra expense but sometimes it can be extra money coming to you. Just make sure you do not ignore budget or paperwork. Some of this may involve travel decisions. Double-check all travel arrangements as there may be some delays or mix-ups.
But the Sun stays in the 8th until the 21st and Neptune stays there until the 30th. So you are seeking to delve deep into yourself and are hungry for some kind of deep understanding. This is not a shallow or superficial energy. You may be drawn to deep spiritual subjects or some kind of demanding study. A good time to talk to a therapist as it is all about seeking hidden answers. This area is also one associated with death and dying. You may start thinking about wills and estate planning and all those serious subjects that we sometimes do not want to deal with. Now you are ready to make those decisions. The Solar Eclipse of the 29th also happens in Aries and your 9th house. Eclipses tend to revel that which is hidden. There may be some kind of hidden insight that is now revealed to you.
Astrology and Moon Insights are written by
astrologer Susan Reynolds. Like what you’ve read here? For your personal consultation contact Susan at or