
January 2025

Happy New Year Leo! It looks like Leo gets to start the new year off right, with Venus leaving the sign of Aquarius and entering the sign of Pisces on January 4th. This means it is going to enter your eighth house of investments and money matters. Since Venus usually brings a gift wherever she goes, this is good financial news for the sign of The Lion. Venus is going to go back and forth from Pisces to Aries for the next few months. So you will have Venus here longer than the usual three week visit. It is going to bump up against Saturn already in the eighth house and this means there can be some good news in terms of your career. Maybe a new job offer or a raise of some sort. Maybe even a year end bonus that has you feeling good about your work. Venus and Saturn together in this area is great for feeling your worth. Neptune is also here and that can sometimes cloud the issue so be careful with investing.

Mars only spends the first seven days of January in your first house before retrograding back into Cancer and your twelfth house. This can dim your physical energy and you need to be careful that you do not do too much. Pace yourself and make sure you are getting plenty of rest. A good time for reflection and maybe a retreat of some kind. You are feeling a bit tired and worn out from all the holiday activities.

Astrology and Moon Insights are written by astrologer Susan Reynolds. Like what you’ve read here? For your personal consultation contact Susan at exploreastrology.com or email.

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