Mars has turned direct and it sitting in your 9th house of education and travel. You want to get out of the house and go somewhere - anywhere. Last month there was a lot of energy around home and family, so you were putting around a house. But now you want to enjoy life and go do things. Have fun. Not only is Mars busy but you have a full fifth house as well. The fifth house is one of my favorites because it is about pleasure and having a good time. The Sun is here until the 21st, Neptune until the 30th and Saturn all month long. Although Mercury begins March in this house, it will leave on the 4th and then spend the rest of the month in Aries and your sixth house, so I am not counting it too strongly.
This is a nice time to date someone new or plan some romantic activities with your spouse or partner. Have a special date night. Plan a party and invite friends over. Maybe a weekend trip just for fun is on the horizon. What makes you happy? A great time to be with friends and go to a concert or play. Maybe a special vacation with the children. The fifth house is very creative and so you might be thinking about taking a pottery class or sign up for singing lessons. There are new ideas and fun activities.
With Mercury turning retrograde on the 15th and not turning direct again until the 12th of April, you will need to be diligent about backing up your work and keeping all paperwork. Confirm appointments and keep those confirmation numbers. Meeting may be rescheduled and projects delayed. Also a good time this month to take care of your health and make that doctor's appointment you have been putting off.
Astrology and Moon Insights are written by
astrologer Susan Reynolds. Like what you’ve read here? For your personal consultation contact Susan at or