Happy New Year Scorpio! Lucky Scorpio is going to keep having Jupiter in your eighth house of financial matters until June of 2025. Jupiter tends to enlarge that which it touches and right now it is touching your money. Nice way to start the year. I think around May you will start to notice a new energy as it gets ready to make its move in June but we'll talk more about that as the year progresses. Mars is the big news as it will retrograde back into Cancer on the 7th of January and back into your ninth house. This is an area of travel. Any plans for a vacation?
Mars will be here for the next few months so even if you do not have a trip coming up now, you might start planning one for later in the year. This house is also one that is all about school and education. You want to learn and study and if there is some subject you are passionate about then this is an ideal time to investigate it deeply. The ninth is all about social media so you may decide to upgrade your website or create a new business card. It is great for all kinds of marketing and advertising. Put yourself out there and let people know what you can do. Believe me they will notice.
With Mercury joining the Sun in Capricorn on the 9th, the Sun and Mercury together can sometimes take you out of town. Maybe a weekend get-a-way. This is another area of the mind and learning so you could be writing something or teaching a course of some kind of study. It is great for teaching.
Astrology and Moon Insights are written by
astrologer Susan Reynolds. Like what you’ve read here? For your personal consultation contact Susan at
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