Mars has just turned direct a few days ago and it is sitting in your seventh house of partnerships. Mars is a forceful planet and there may be more arguments happening now between you and your spouse or even you and your friends. But Mars is also the planet of passion and you and your sweetheart may plan a special getaway just for the two of you.
We have Venus retrograde all month long in the sign of Aries. This is going to activate your fourth house of home and family. With retrograde energy you may be going over old territory and having conversations again that you thought were settled. Old loves may show up again and you may have to have some strong boundaries in place. But Venus wants their home to be beautiful and welcoming. This often translates into fixing the home up in some way. Decorate and buy some new things. There is also a Solar Eclipse happening here in this same house on the 29th. There may be some kind of ah-ha moment of emotional understanding that just comes to you. Or you may have to deal with a family member that is very emotional.
Neptune is going to move into Aries for the first time in 165 years and it will activate your fifth house of romantic partners and creative energies. Neptune is very imaginative and inspirational so you may think about going into a new career that speaks to the creative side of your personality. If you already work in the arts then this can open up a whole new area of creative expression. But Neptune is also confusing, so there can be questions that do not have clear answers. Give yourself some time to make decisions.
Astrology and Moon Insights are written by
astrologer Susan Reynolds. Like what you’ve read here? For your personal consultation contact Susan at or