
March 2025

March is going to be one heck of a month for almost everyone. We have so much going on this month that I don't know if I can get to all of it. First of all, as an Aries you are going to experience all the events of March a bit more forcefully than most. That is because we have Venus retrograde in Aries, Mercury going retrograde also in Aries, the Sun moving into Aries on the 21st, Neptune is moving into Aries on the last day of March and oh yeah, we have a Solar Eclipse on the 29th in guess what sign - ARIES! Worn out yet? There is a lot to unpack here so let's get started with this Retrograde Venus.

March begins with Venus in retrograde motion. This means it appears to be moving backward. We sometimes go back in terms of love and romance. Maybe an old love shows up or contacts you in some way. Sometimes you daydream about 'what if' in terms of old relationships. We can be slow moving in terms of love and dating. We can also overspend when Venus decides it wants to feel good and doesn't much care what it costs. Be careful about additional spending.

On March 15th Mercury turns retrograde and stays that way until the 12th of April.  Since Mercury is also in Aries, you may find yourself going over old arguments with friends and family. We have computer problems, miss appointments and can't find paperwork. You know the drill. Be sure to keep copies of everything and be careful about getting into arguments where there is no winner.

Neptune is moving forward into your very own sign this month for the first time in 165 years! It is only putting its big toe in the water but you will feel the effects. There may be an interest in all things spiritual. You are seeking answer to the big questions in life. As the month moves along you gain more and more energy and feel better and better.

Astrology and Moon Insights are written by astrologer Susan Reynolds. Like what you’ve read here? For your personal consultation contact Susan at or email.

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