Everyone will be reacting to all the Aries energy happening this month. Be prepared for a big month ahead. First of all, the month begins with Venus retrograde in your 11th house of friends and group activity. You hear from old friends and may get interested in some kind of new group that speaks to your heart. You are seeking new information and especially in terms of some kind of higher calling. But that is not the only planet in the 11th. We also have Venus. Not to mention the Sun and Neptune both residing there for most of March.
Mercury retrograde has old friends calling and reconnecting. The retrograde begins on the 15th and doesn't turn direct until the 12th of April. There can be miscommunication and missed appointments. Double-check everything and keep all your records and receipts. You may find yourself going back over old material or old arguments. Aries can be forceful and a bit bold in terms of talking about its beliefs. Just be sure that you are taking the time to listen as well.
We have a Lunar Eclipse on March 13th in the sign of Virgo. This is a nice plus for Taurus as it is another earth sign and is going to light up your fifth house of pleasure. You are ready to have some fun and welcome spring. A good time for a trip of an evening out at a concert or theater. What brings a smile to your face? Invite friends over and have a party. The Solar Eclipse of March 29th is going to be in the sign of Aries and this may be a bit unsettling for you as it is in your house of inner contemplation. You want quiet time to reflect and renew your inner life. Take some time and just be.
Astrology and Moon Insights are written by
astrologer Susan Reynolds. Like what you’ve read here? For your personal consultation contact Susan at
exploreastrology.com or