Medical Intuitive Reading

“Staci gave me one of the BEST in-depth readings that I have EVER had done in my life.“ 

— Lena L., Illinois 

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A psychic exploration of health, wellness and illness issues such as (and not limited to) chronic, sudden onset or acute conditions or confusing symptoms. In this reading I work closely with my spirit guide. Together we will discuss and evaluate your condition with you and, if needed, I will psychically look in to your body, an ability I've had since age 15. The information is meant for guidance and should not take the place of expert medical diagnosis or treatment. We recommend you take the information received in your consultation and discuss it with your medical practitioner or medical specialist. A brief Medical Intuitive Reading may be done in combination with topics described in General Readings. If a health concern is the dominant focus of your reading, book a Medical Intuitive Reading so that I may prepare for your session appropriately.

Medical Intuitive Reading Pricing

Readings are FOR 1 PERSON ONLY, no exceptions.

45 minutes………….$300

60 minutes………….$350

75 minutes………….$400

90 minutes………….$500

An extra 15 minutes added on at the end of your reading session, if available, is $80.

Additional Reading Details

Readings are done over the phone or in Zoom. Medical Intuitive Reading appointments are usually available within 3 – 12 weeks. READINGS ARE FOR 1 PERSON ONLY.

Before booking please review the FAQs and Policies, including payment options, Cancellation policies and more.

ALL TIMES Shown in the ONLINE SCHEDULER SYSTEM are shown in Staci’s time zone (MST) in Arizona, USA - all year.

“When you did my body scan you saw things you had not seen before. A sack with stones on the bottom of my liver (I had gallbladder removed in past), and a shadow on my kidney. I ran across a YouTube video from a Urologist speaking about Interstitial Cystitis. He always rules out the parasite Schistosomiasis before he diagnoses with IC. I Googled it and it all fit. I went cave tubing in Belize 6.5 years ago...fell ill 2 months later…to never return to health. My doctor then tested me for Schistsomasis (aka Bilhazia or Snail Worms) and I tested POSITIVE!! These snail worms reek havoc on the Immune system which explains high Epstein Barr, Mycoplasma Pnu, HHV-6 and other viral fun. Schistosomasis create bladder, kidney, bowel, and liver issues as well. I have been very very sick for 6.5 years. I took the medicine last night and now, because you saw the parasite and its work, I know I will finally be getting better. I wanted to tell you what was going on in case you come across the same visual with another client.”

 L.M.L., Texas
"You are definitely doing your soul’s work in this life. I can’t thank you enough."

L.M.L., Texas

K.L., New York
“I already feel more at ease having a new path to travel down during these challenges. I will keep you posted on the traditional “docs” response to my symptoms and if their testing turns anything up. Thank you again for your patience with me and for giving me peace in this situation that I have not had (before now).”

K.L., New York

"I ended up getting a biopsy on my left breast a few weeks ago, and like Spirit said it would be, it was negative. Thank you again for my last reading, it was SO helpful and peace-giving!”

M.H., Minnesota

“I always know that when I don’t know where to go, what to do – I know I can come to you.” –

Diana T., NY

John Doe's Image
“If it wasn’t for the reading you did for my son several months ago I would have never sent him to a neurologist and found his Chiari Malformation problem. I was shocked by how accurate your reading was even months before he was diagnosed with this Chiari condition. I’m heart-broken, but in the meanwhile also TRULY grateful for your help in revealing this medical condition to us. Otherwise, my son would have missed this window of opportunity for healing. We thank you so much with all our hearts!!”

M.P., Utah

John Doe's Image
“Staci gave me one of the BEST in-depth readings that I have EVER had done in my life. She explained many of the various emotional issues that led me to having the specific problems I am experiencing NOW. Staci helped me to understand MANY of the underlying root causes of my specific medical problems and she also helped me zero in on HOW I can begin to SOLVE these problems as well. Staci gave me some of the BEST explanations dealing with the mind, body, spirit and soul and how they are “supposed” to work together that I have EVER had. I now feel that I CAN emotionally turn the corner and actually SOLVE my problems because I have a better understanding as to HOW to deal with them. Contacting Staci was one of the BEST decisions I have made in my entire life!”

Lena L., Illinois

“Had a session with my therapist this morning and what you told me is really resonating. Thank you again!”

C.S., California

Reading Hours

ALL TIME ARE MST-Arizona (USA). Every other Monday 2-5pm, Tues-Thurs, 11 am – 5 pm MST (Arizona) All appointments outside these hours will be considered an Emergency and are subject to an additional $150 Emergency fee.  Emergency Readings are sometimes available in advance. Use the Contact Page to request an Emergency Reading if none are available in the Scheduler. 

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