Transformational Energy Work

The depression lifted! For the first time in 8 months I felt lighter.“ 

— Amy S., California 

Book a Reading

Transformational Energy works at the quantum level to induce change in a physical condition, emotional state or other situation. Transformational Energy works within the Law of Grace – change can only occur when it is for the highest good of the individual or situation being treated. You may book a stand-alone session of Energy Work only or request it with your Medical Intuitive Reading or General Reading.  

Energy Work Reading Pricing

Readings are FOR 1 PERSON ONLY. No Exceptions.

30 minutes………….$150
Energy Work ONLY. Best for 2nd, 3rd, 4th and further visits. NOT for first time Energy Work!

45 minutes………….$225
GOOD choice for first Energy Work session. 

60 minutes………….$300
GOOD choice for first Energy Work Session 

AND/OR when you want to include 5 – 15 minutes of General Reading questions.

75 minutes………….$375
BEST choice for first Energy Work Session AND 20-30 minutes of General Reading questions.

An extra 15 minutes added on at the end of your reading session, if available, is $77

Additional Reading Details

Before booking please review the FAQs and Policies that include:  Payment Options, Phone or Zoom, Cancellation policies, Recording the Reading and other terms page.

Consultation Hours: Every other Monday 2-5pm, Tues-Thurs, 11 am – 5 pm MST (Arizona) All appointments outside these hours will be considered an Emergency and are subject to an additional $100 fee. I occasionally make Emergency Readings available in advance. Use the Contact Page to request an Emergency Reading if none are available in the Scheduler.

Readings are with ONE person only.

B.Z., Washington
“The constant dull backache isn’t there anymore. It’s a sunny day out today and I took a walk. I don’t feel as sleepy as before, my airway seems cleared up, my head has more oxygen. Thank you thank you thank you!”

B.Z., Washington

John Doe's Image
“The depression lifted! For the first time in 8 months I felt lighter. It began happening during the Energy Work and I felt it continue after the session was over. This was 2 weeks ago and the depression has not returned since. I am happy now, and so much anxiety is gone. Thank you!”

Amy S., California

"It was perfect timing for the energy work. I could totally feel the energy as you moved around with it, clearing the heavy energy away and leaving me feeling lighter and brighter.”

B.C., Canada

"I don’t feel as sleepy as before, my airway seems cleared up, my head has more oxygen. More importantly, the constant dull backache isn’t there anymore…. It’s a sunny day out today and I took a walk. Thank you thank you thank you!"

B.Z., Washington

"The tightness in my chest that I had for years is GONE. My shoulders are down and not scrunched up around my neck. I can now take a deeper breath than I’ve been able to for years."

DT, Australia

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