ANSWER: Let’s be clear about one thing first — a soul cannot be aborted. A fetal body can be aborted and the soul that might have selected it, or had been considering selecting it, does not die nor is it diminished in any way. The soul does not fully reside in the fetal body until shortly before it is born. It is aware of the fetal body and it goes in and out of its fetal body, occupying it for just moments and minutes at a time in the first 1-4 months, then for progressively longer periods of time as the pregnancy progresses and its body grows. The unborn baby’s soul will often be close to its mother when not inside it’s fetal body. It is common for many pregnant women to sense the spirit of their baby around them during pregnancy; some even have a a conversation with their unborn child in their dream state. You might like to read Chapter 3 of Robert Schwartz’ “Your Soul’s Gift” because Chapter 3 is about Miscarriage and Abortion and contains many pages of information I channeled on these topics specifically. In Chapter 3 you will find a far more complete and detailed answer than room allows for here.