
May 2024

May kicks off with Mars having just moved into your very own sign of The Ram. It is going to stay here all month long and not leave until sometime next month. April had you feeling a bit tired and worn out. But now Mars, your ruling planet, is offering you help and support. More energy comes your way and best of all, your spirits rise and you are in a much better mood. Your body is just stronger this month. Mercury is also in Aries and sitting close to your Sun. You are ready to speak up and speak out and let everyone know what is on your mind. A good time to give a talk, write a book or do some kind of promotion. Mercury leaves on the 16th so make the most of this the first half.

Most of the energy this month is focused on your second house of prosperity and income. You are looking at your bottom line and wondering how to increase it. You have Venus here until the 24th, so it is an excellent time to ask for a raise or find a second job. Money is ready to come to you and you need to open your arms wide to receive. Venus is also a very generous planet and so you may be lending money to a friend or relative who needs a bit of help. It might also be time to be good to yourself. Now that you are enjoying life more, it is time for some new clothes or maybe dinners out with friends or even a short trip out of town, just to relax. As Jupiter and Uranus come together on the 20th you may make some financial changes or have some kind of unexpected largess come your way. But you may just as likely find some kind of unexpected expense showing up.

The New Moon of May 6th is going to push you to take care of paperwork. It is also a good time to either take a class or teach a class of some sort. You may even hear from brothers or sisters and you all get together for a fun afternoon. Some of these ideas may have some kind of spiritual basis as this New Moon is going to reach out to both Saturn and Neptune. You are much more intuitive than usual. There may be some interesting dreams coming your way, so be sure to keep a dream journal. This New Moon is also going to work well with Pluto, now in Aquarius. You are ready to maybe work with technology in a new way. Be careful of impulsive technological purchases. If you have been thinking of a purchase and researched it already, then go ahead. But pulling out your credit card in the excitement of the moment is not suggested.

Astrology and Moon Insights are written by astrologer Susan Reynolds. Like what you’ve read here? For your personal consultation contact Susan at or email.

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